PRI Website
There’s only one place on the Internet to put your company message where the entire racing industry can see it: the PRI website. Your banner advertisement puts industry visitors only one click away from your website. There’s only a limited number of banner advertisements available, so reserve early.

Over 2,200,000 Views Annually*
$760 NET ........ Per month, 3 consecutive months
$645 NET ........ Per month, 6 consecutive months
$580 NET ........ Per month, 12 consecutive months
Banner Specifications:
Front Page News Banner Specifications:
- Home Page advertisers will provide two ad sizes:
- Leaderboard: 728 x 90 pixel banner ad. (Desktop)
- Rectangle: 300 x 250 pixel banner ad. (Mobile)
- Includes Banner tracking (impressions and clicks).
Ads will be displayed in any of the two portal positions randomly but not at the same time.
- File format: jpg, png or gif. (40k max file size)
- Animated gifs ok up to :15 seconds.
Purchase your sponsorship today by calling your PRI Sales Rep at 949-499-5413.
*Stats taken from one year span June 2019 - June 2020