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Put AI to work for you by incorporating ChatGPT in your social media strategy.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is continuing to advance at a rapid pace, and many industries and departments are utilizing its capabilities. Marketing, and more specifically social media, is one of those areas that can benefit from AI tools. Although there are various AI tools, including Flick, Dall-E, Heyday, and many more, we will discuss ChatGPT and how it can be used to help enhance social media. However, we want to preface this article by saying that although AI can be a valuable tool, human oversight is still essential.

After typing into your web browser or downloading the app on your mobile device and setting up a free account, you can start benefitting. To use this tool, simply input prompts into the message box. (Side note: ChatGPT also offers upgraded plans with access to more in-depth features.)

Various ways ChatGPT can be used for social media include content generation, keyword research, content planning and scheduling, copywriting, trend monitoring, content optimization, and much more.

For assistance in generating content, be detailed with your prompts. Ask direct questions and be specific with which social media platforms you’re referring to. For example, ask ChatGPT, “Can you give me content ideas to encourage more engagement on Facebook and Instagram?” If you’re not satisfied with the list of ideas ChatGPT comes up with initially, just follow up with, “Provide more ideas,” and more options will be produced. You can also be more specific with a prompt, with something like, “What’s a fun question we can ask our followers to encourage engagement? Something related to motorsports.” ChatGPT can also provide inspiration for a mix of topics related to your industry or niche.

For keyword research, ask ChatGPT to identify relevant keywords or hashtags to optimize your social media content for searchability and discoverability. This can help with social media captions and SEO.

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When building a social media calendar, ChatGPT can help determine the best days and times to post as well as ensure that you’re using a variety of content. It can also assist with organizing your content calendar and scheduling posts.

Need help writing creative and engaging captions for social media? ChatGPT can facilitate that as well. It can assist with crafting messages to enhance the effectiveness of your campaign. Here’s one example prompt PRI might ask ChatGPT: “Can you create a short, catchy social media caption to generate excitement for the PRI Show?” It’s not imperative to use the exact caption that ChatGPT generates, but you can use it as a starting point and modify it to fit your brand.

Stay informed of the latest industry trends by asking ChatGPT about any new developments or updates. This can help you create relevant content for your audience and encourage you to try new features and content ideas, utilizing the most current trends.

Want to reach a larger audience or resonate with the audience you currently have? Request suggestions from ChatGPT on how to optimize your social media content for engagement and reach. This can provide insight into what type of content you should be creating more of or offer new content ideas to try.

Whatever you might need help with regarding social media, when using ChatGPT, experiment with different types of questions and prompts. The more information you provide, the better.

ChatGPT, and AI in general, can be a helpful tool to enhance your social media efforts, but all generated content should still be reviewed and modified by a human to align with brand and messaging strategies. Regularly monitor your social media performance, and then utilize ChatGPT to make adjustments when necessary. Get started now and use ChatGPT wisely!

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