Gary Crotty Elected To FIA Courts

NASCAR Executive Vice President & Chief Legal Counsel Gary Crotty has been elected by the FIA General Assembly as one of 36 judges to serve on the FIA Courts. A member of the NASCAR Board of Directors, Crotty is the first NASCAR representative to serve in this capacity. Crotty’s term, which began on January 1, runs through December 31, 2025.
As an FIA judge, Crotty may be appointed to sit on the FIA International Tribunal or International Court of Appeal. The International Tribunal is the first instance level of the jurisdiction of the FIA and can hear disciplinary matters brought before it by the FIA President. The FIA International Court of Appeal is the appeal level of the jurisdiction of the FIA and hears appeals of decisions taken by various sporting and disciplinary bodies, such as stewards or the FIA International Tribunal. Both entities act independently from the other FIA bodies and FIA Members.
Crotty joined NASCAR as Secretary and General Counsel in 1996 and was named to the Board of Directors in 2006. He oversees the company’s legal department located in the corporate headquarters in Daytona Beach, Florida.
“It is an honor to be recognized and named to this prestigious post,” said Crotty. “I thank the members of the FIA General Assembly for placing its faith in me, and look forward to serving. It is one of the true highlights of my career.”
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