Royal Purple VP Transitions Into Consulting Role

Royal Purple Vice President of Sales and Marketing Mark McFann has elected to transition from the day-to-day management of Royal Purple’s marketing and consumer sales, to a role as a contracted consultant for the company.

McFann spent the past 10 years developing the Royal Purple brand and growing it from relative obscurity to a leading brand of synthetic motor oils, according to the company.

“It’s been a blessing to steward Royal Purple from a start-up brand sold at 300 locations to one that is now sold in more than 30,000 locations across the US and other countries,” said McFann.

In addition to his new role with Royal Purple, McFann has joined marketing consulting company Cast a Long Shadow. He also is a principal for the company Xecu Group, whose EZ Waiver product provides cloud-based complete electronic waiver and risk management application.

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