NASCAR Defines OEM Penalty Structure Ahead of 2025 Season


NASCAR officials have introduced specific penalty options for manufacturers in an update to the NASCAR Rule Book in case the sanctioning body finds any wrongdoing from any of its three OEMs.

The updated structure was announced as a new section in the rule book, Section, including but not limited to the following possible reprimands:

  • Loss of 25-50 manufacturer points
  • Loss of 30-60 wind-tunnel hours
  • Loss of 250-500 RCFD (restricted computational fluid dynamics) test runs
  • Loss of 2-4 vehicle tests

The revised rule also states the following, according to NASCAR:

"NASCAR reserves the right to determine if an OEM has violated the NASCAR Rule Book and may impose penalties on the OEM or its representatives accordingly. The following framework serves as a general guideline for assessing OEM penalties. The examples provided are illustrative and not exhaustive, offering clarity on the types and ranges of infractions that may result in penalties, should NASCAR determine enforcement is warranted."

For more on the updates to the NASCAR rulebook, visit

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