Mazda Continues As One Of The World's Premier Grassroots Motorsports Supporters

For the past decade Mazda has used the tagline of “on any given weekend, more Mazdas are road-raced than any other brand.” 

It could just as easily been, “on any given weekday, Mazda offers more prize money to grassroots road-racers than any other car company.”
Mazda pays winning racers, competing with a Mazda or Mazda-powered racecar, in approved Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) and the National Auto Sports Association (NASA) events. Payments range from $125 for a runner-up finish in an SCCA Pro SOLO event to $5,000 for winning an SCCA national championship. 

The largest prize in all of club road-racing is the annual Mazda club racer shootout where one racer wins a full season in the SCCA Pro racing Playboy Mazda MX-5 Cup, valued over $75,000.
Steve Sanders, Competition Parts Manager, Mazda Motorsports, Mazda North American Operations sums it up, “Racing with Mazda means that we support you with competitively priced parts, great tech support, and the best contingency prize package in the business. We joke that it’s the one area in racing where going over budget is a good thing. In 2012 we awarded almost $900,000 to club racers. This is in addition to the MAZDASPEED Motorsports Ladder and Mazda Road to Indy Scholarships bring the total driver support to over $2 million—in cash.”
Complete details on the program, including information on how to register, can be found at

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