Ontario, Canada Dirt Tracks Announce 2020 Duel On The Dirt Schedules
The Ontario Dirt Competition Committee (ODCC) member tracks have released the 2020 schedule for the Insta-Panels Duel on the Dirt Series for Thunder Stocks and Mini Stocks. The tracks on the schedule include four ODCC member tracks, including Brighton Speedway, Humberstone Speedway, Merrittville Speedway, and Ohsweken Speedway.
The Insta-Panels Duel on the Dirt series will race under ODCC rules, which were created for street stock and mini stock-type cars in the Ontario, Canada region.
The 2020 edition of the Insta-Panels Duel on the Dirt Series will see seven combined races at four member tracks across the two divisions.
The Thunder Stock season is set to open May 2 at Merrittville Speedway, while the Mini Stock schedule is set to open May 9, also at Merrittville Speedway.
For more information, visit duelonthedirt.com.