New Mexico's ‘All Out Call Out’ Drag Racing Event Scheduled For June

The 2013 All Out Call Out is a one-of-a-kind drag race event like no other in the USA. Five classes of street car racing, ranging from the 14.5 second Elapsed Time, (ET) “Slow Poke” class, all the way to the 10.2 seconds and faster ET “Let it Eat” class, will battle it out for over $5000 in cash and prizes.
The All Out Call Out is a single elimination street car race. Racers in each class will have tickets drawn to “call out” other racers in their class. Racers cannot turn down a race when challenged. The winner of the race will be the first car across the finish line without breaking out of the ET limits of their class, not necessarily the car with the faster time.
The 2013 All Out Call Out is unique because it combines the fun and excitement of a heads up street race, with the timing equipment, organization and safety of a race track. Thanks to numerous sponsors, the winner of each class will receive over $1000 cash prize.
Visit for a full list of classes, rules and details of the race.