SFI Alerts Racers To Counterfeit Driving Suits

At left is a legitimate SFI label, at right is a counterfeit label. Photo courtesy of National Auto Sport Association (NASA).
The SFI Foundation has released a bulletin alerting all consumers to counterfeit SFI labels on suits and gloves from Pakistani company Speedsy Racewear. The suits and gloves have not undergone testing by SFI, and labels on the merchandise are counterfeit, the Foundation said.
According to the SFI bulletin: “SFI has found driver suits and accessories sold by Speedsy Racewear that bear counterfeit SFI labels stating that the manufacturer certifies that its products meet applicable SFI specs. A suit was found to have a counterfeit level 20 label, but very thin construction not capable of providing level 20 protection. Also, single-layer gloves were found to have level 15 counterfeit labels. In each case, this represents dangerously substandard levels of protection.”
For more information, visit the SFI Foundation website.