Track Enterprises To Operate Lincoln Speedway In 2016

Twelve years after a dream of building and promoting a race track, Lincoln Speedway, in Lincoln, Illinois, co-owners Norm and Yvonne Horn are ready for days of relaxation and rest.

On Thursday, an agreement was reached between Norm Horn and Bob Sargent to turn full operation of Lincoln Speedway over to Sargent’s Track Enterprises, Inc. The move will align Sargent with two tracks close in proximity, Macon Speedway and Lincoln Speedway.

“Bob has some good people on his side, with his years of racing knowledge and the young blood that he has working for him now at Track Enterprises,” Horn said. “I feel like this is the best fit for the situation at hand as well as my wife Yvonne and I. The time has come for us to truly step back, as we are ready to spend a lot more time with family and friends and do a little work on the farm."

Ken Dobson, of CILTRAK promotions, who was involved in the promotion of Lincoln Speedway the last two seasons said, "I'm very pleased that Lincoln Speedway has landed in the capable hands of Track Enterprises. I think it will be a positive thing for not only the racers and fans of Lincoln Speedway, but for racing in general in central Illinois."

Track Enterprises is no stranger to auto racing, being involved with promoting since the mid-1980s. Sargent started running Macon Speedway then and also has racing venues located in Indiana and Kentucky.

On top of that, the group runs yearly shows at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, Indiana State Fairgrounds, Nashville, Tenn. and the DuQuoin State Fair.

"The move to take over Lincoln Speedway will definitely put a lot more work on our guys, but Lincoln is such a great place and I want to see it continue with success just as it has with Yvonne and Norm,” Sargent said. “With Macon being a Saturday night track and Lincoln a Friday night track with a few Sundays, the two entities can be a great fit for us.”

Lincoln Speedway has one more event remaining on the 2015 schedule: the Season Championships 7 p.m., Friday, September 11.

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