SCCA Opens Registration For US RoadRally Challenge

The Detroit Region of SCCA has announced that registration for the United States RoadRally Challenge (USRRC) is now open. The three-day event begins Friday, November 13 through Sunday, November 15, at the SRRC headquarters in Whitmore Lake.
The RoadRally Challenge is an annual celebration of road rallying, offering three days of rallying for novices and experts alike. The USRRC intends to encourage rallyists to come out and enjoy a set of rallies that are engaging and fun. Rallyists from across the nation are expected to participate in each year’s USRRC.
The USRRC is hosted in turn by the various SCCA regions with active RoadRally programs. This year the Detroit Region will again host the Challenge, as it did back in 2012.
Rallyists can compete in one, two, or all three of the rallies comprising the USRRC–one rally for each of the three days. Friday’s rally is called “Hell and Back” and was organized by rallymaster Scott Harvey Jr. The Friday event will count towards the SCCA National Tour Rally Championship and the Great Lakes Division and Detroit Region Championships.
Saturday, meanwhile, will feature the “Pavement Ends” tour organized by John Kytasty. Like Hell and Back, Pavement Ends will traverse some of south-central Michigan’s back roads while giving participants a scenic yet challenging run. Pavement Ends will also count towards the SCCA National Tour Rally Championship and the Great Lakes Division and Detroit Region Championships.
The “Are Your Territorial?” tour, organized by Bruce Fisher, is set for Sunday. Are You Territorial? is a trap rally, wherein the rallymaster will test your ability to follow the course using a set of the main road following rules while still staying on time.
Registration is online at For more information, visit