SCCA EV Advisory Committee Announces Guidelines, Rules

SCCA’s Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC) has released proposed guidelines and rulesets for EVs and three EV racing classes.
SCCA Area 4 Director Dayle Frame, who leads the currently 12-person EVAC team, said the three documents contain general guidelines for EV usage at all SCCA events, as well as rulesets for the development of an “E” Touring category of road racing cars and a Prototype category electrified vehicle class within SCCA Road Racing.
“None of these proposed rulesets have actually been OK’d yet by the Club Racing Board or SCCA Board of Directors,” Frame noted. “But we’re making these rule suggestions available now because we want input to properly assess where the SCCA membership wants to go as far as EVs are concerned.”
The EVAC is seeking feedback on the guidelines, which can be viewed on SCCA’s EVAC announcement here.
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